My Story
Your first success leads to more success.
-Wilbur the pig
I first learned how to crochet when I was seven. My grandma and grandpa had come over to visit and I begged my grandma to teach me. Of course she did and so that day I learned how to make a chain stitch and a single crochet stitch. To those who don’t know those two stitches will result in little square like things at most. It wasn’t easy for my grandma to teach me (as I am left handed and she is right handed) so it took the whole day. My first creation was a small yellow strange looking square that I was very proud of. I then made a few more strange things before I gave up and stopped crochet all together.
Three years later at Merry-Thanks-mas (a holiday similar to thanksgiving and Christmas that my family made up) I received a small crochet book the showed you how to make twenty six little crochet animals and I was hooked (pun intended). When I saw my grandma over Merry-Thanks-mas I again begged her to show me how to make a little animal. Again she agreed and we spent the whole day (again) crochet a little pig together. My cousins came over for dinner and I showed off Wilbur the pig to everyone. I was so excited to make more little creatures. My next project was Mathew the sloth who I loved (maybe even more than Wilbur). I couldn’t stop making the little animals. One day I signed up for my first market to start selling my creations. I did a few more markets and at everyone they asked me if I had an Etsy or shop they could go to, but I didn’t have a shop. Finally here I am creating my own place to sell plushies and patterns!